Wednesday, March 7, 2012

T-3 days: The Blog Staff Gets Punchy

And now it's time for a feature we like to call "Dragon Facts with Tricia Leishman...."
A Google search of the terms “Are Dragons Real?” returned about 77,000,000 results in 0.18 seconds. An excerpt: Yes, they are very real. However, they are no longer living in this dimension. They did at one time but for reasons ("reasons" not provided) they had to leave this dimension. People have seen then them but often when they are drunk.” So if you see a dragon after the auction, make sure someone else is driving. 
This year’s theme “Year of the Dragon: Get Fired Up” is based on Chinese astrology, which assigns each person an animal corresponding to the year they were born. Cool for DRAGONS, not so cool for PIGS like me.
A randomly selected sample of St. Clare Students were asked what they would name our mascot, the St. Clare Dragon: 
  • Male: Honey, Patrick
  • Female: Honey, Fallon, Susie 
  • Gender Neutral: Lucky, Buddy, Shoehorn

Just to get you in the spirit of the evening, I have rewritten "The Tyger" by William Blake as "The Dragon:"
Dragon! Dragon! Bidding bright!
At the auction on this night  
Which immortal parent friends 
Will save thee when thou overspends?


Here is a fact I am FIRED UP about! An auction item I suggested was simply ignored. It did not even receive the courtesy of a rejection. Pre-signed tardy slips. Wouldn’t you pay top dollar to avoid that walk of yellow-slipped shame? 

In the New Testament, the devil takes the form of a red dragon with seven heads and ten horns in his battle against Archangel Michael. And so clearly, it is the perfect Catholic school auction theme. 

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